
A collection of external resources, player downloads and reference lists.


These are all freely available for personal use.

Trait Reference

Name Summary
Brutal +2R attack damage
Cunning While active, at the end of Engage Step 2, this model may be placed within RU of its current position
Deadly Reroll Attack rolls of R or less while active
Defensive Reroll Attack rolls of R or less while inactive
Despoiling Special Action: Place a casualty from this circle within 0U, then set its die value (if lower): (R1: D6, R2: D8, R3: D10), then make a Stay With Me! test (Failure: remove returned model as casualty)
Fleet +2RU movement range
Healer All friendly models within this model's move range reroll Recovery rolls of R or less
Inspired Reroll any test rolls of R or less while active
Juggenaut While active, at start of Engage Step 4, place any engaged model within 2RU of its current position
Merciless During Engage Step 1, this model may nominate +R opponents
Mysterious Special Action: Make a Hidden Ways test (Success: Place model within RU of an inactive model)
Pinning While inactive, hostile models within RU can only move if it brings them closer to this model
Ranged +DRU attack range
Relentless At the start of the Recovery Phase, remove R damage
Ruinous Special Action: Nominate a piece of terrain within 0U, and make a Ruin test (Success: R damage to any model within it, then remove terrain. Failure: 3-R damage to active model)
Shaping Special Action: Select a piece of terrain not on the battlefield, no more than DU across, then make a Shape test (Success: Place selected terrain within 0U. R damage to any model within the new terrain area. Failure: 3-R damage to active model)
Summoning Special Action: Place an unaligned model not on battlefield within 0U, and set its die value: (R1: D8, R2: D10, R3: D12), then make an Obey! test (Success: Summoned model is tamed by the active player)
Thunderous Special Action: R damage to inactive models within RU, then make a Thunder! test (Success: R damage to inactive models within 2RU. Failure: R damage to active model)
Tough -2R attack damage, to a minimum of 1
Unbound Alter the terrain level for this model by up to R while determining range
Vengeful After suffering attack damage, at start of Engage Step 4, R damage to one hostile model within attack range

About Me

Ok, so, I'm Robin. Hello. I made this- whatever it is- for you.


I'm always eager to hear how folk are enjoying the game, or if there's a rule that isn't as clear as it could be. Use info@ to email me!


I've been absolutely blown away by the amount of passion and creativity in the wargaming space, but especially: